Thursday, 21 March 2013

The Secret Of The Bermuda Triangle, By Faith Whitley

When you go into the Bermuda Triangle there is always a secret. 
The tidal waves raced across the ocean. 
A whirl pool whizzes in another. 
Crash together! 
They run across the ocean in rage. 
They run and sprint! 
As the storm stops they crash together and the sea is then calm. 
No one has lived to tell the secret. 
And their salty evil hearts will carry on. 
And the secret will remain safe. 


The Wind, By Morgan Ferguson

The wind screams loudly. 
The wind pushed a tree over. 
The sea howled like a werewolf, it felt furious. 
As the sand got blown away it looked like it was dancing. 
As the ocean flickered it looked like a giant was stomping, 
As it got rougher and rougher the wind started to howl. 


Thursday, 14 March 2013

Art & Play

Miss G was so happy with us today to see us use the skills and relationships that we learned and created during Adventure Week to organise and play a game this afternoon...

While some of us finished off our Pablo Picasso self-portraits under the trees, the rest of us played 'Tails' on the hockey field. Miss G allowed us to organise the equipment, the layout of the field for the game, and encouraged us to play fairly and let everyone have turn of each role in the game. This allowed Miss G to make sure the rest of us were on-task and were able to finish our art-work efficiently (which today we learned means, 'quickly, quietly, and quality'!). 

After Miss G made sure that those who were finishing their art were well under-way to finish, she turned her attention to the rest of us on the hockey field. We impressed her with our encouraging attitudes, fair play, firm rules, and all-round inclusivity. Everyone was happily involved in the game and Miss G didn't need to change a thing! 

It is really lovely for Miss G to see that we are listening and learning and evolving into super senior students...! 






Friday, 8 March 2013

Adv. Wk. Collages

Some collages created from our Adventure Week... 
You can find them for download on the Room 2 page on the Awapuni website | here






How Does Your Garden Grow, Room 2?

What a lovely, lovely end to our exciting, adventurous, amazing Adventure Week! Today we did some gardening with Mr. Whitehead and tasted some yummy figs from Levi's garden...!

Mr. Whitehead brought in some dried marigolds and showed us all the seeds inside the flower pod. We got to grab one each and plant them in some soil. We now need to water our marigold seeds twice a day and Mr. Whitehead tells us that in 7-10 days they will start to sprout. Miss G hope that we will then get to share our space in Room 2 with some nature...

"Thank You"

Mr. Whitehead 
and Kylie and Levi for sharing your amazing produce with us! 








Miss G has put all our photos from Adventure Week in the Room 2 space on the Awapuni Website | here

Thursday, 7 March 2013

"Walk In The Park..."

Another beautiful day!

"Thank you, weather, for being absolutely perfect for us this week; we are very lucky", from Room 2

Again, "Thank You": 

and Sarah 

For all your efforts and your energy and your wonderful company








Olympic Pools + Sleep-over!

Wow - what a big day! Room 2 have been absolutely fantastic this week; we have been playing, sharing, cooperating,  helping, and making the most of getting to know each other to create a cohesive community within Room 2 and the wider Room-2-community.

Today (Wednesday) we went to the Olympic Pools, learned to kayak, practised our swimming skills, played on the hydra-slide, learned to play some new games with the class back at school, we ate, we cleaned, we made our beds, we listened to some stories, we did some dancing, we slept, we woke, we packed away, we ate breakfast, and we were then ready for Thursday...!

Another big, 'Thank You' to: 

Mrs. Gomm 
and Mrs. Torrie 

for your time, support, entertainment, and yummy food...! 





Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Adventure Week - Day 1

Room 2 have had an amazing start to our Adventure Week this week! On Monday we played Mini Golf in our Cooperative Groups, and spent the afternoon at the Skate Park. We had lots of compliments on our positive attitude and cohesive nature that we have created with each other in Room 2.

A big 'Thank You' to

and Tony 

for your support and helping make these out-of-school experiences possible







More pictures here: