Monday, 31 March 2014

Our learning

Learning in Room 2.

This term we have been focusing on measurement for maths. We have been doing group work, pair work and also individual work. On one hot sunny day we went out onto the netball court and worked together in small groups to draw and measure lines in M,CM and MM.

We have also been focusing on writing each morning. Last week we spent the week publishing some magnificent pieces of writing which are now all hanging up in Room 2 for parents/ caregivers to come in and read. We have also published these to our blogs.

Marine reserve has been our integrated topic for this term. Starting last week in Room 2 was pair mini projects. Students have class time to complete these and have also been told they are aloud to work on these at home. The students have chances to earn a large number of gotchas for these presentations. Each pair will be presenting their research projects next Friday morning to the class and Mrs Torrie. This was a great way for students to become experts on one thing at the marine reserve then teach the rest of the class.

Please feel free to come in and see the amazing work Room 2 has been doing this term.
Keep up the good work Room 2.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Student of the week

Congratulations Bethany,

You are a Role Model in Room 2 and an absolute pleasure to have in the classroom.
Keep up the excellent work.

Miss Wallis

Monday, 3 March 2014

Adventure week video

Check out what Room 2 got up to throughout adventure week 2014.